Scroll below for Welcome Video


I am Dr. Krista Alongi Aron, a Sports Chiropractor based in Santa Cruz, California.

I am looking forward to helping you with your musculoskeletal concerns by creating personalized programs available from my clinic to assist you to maintain a balanced, resilient, and pain-free body again.

In this video below, I will explain how I can help you find answers to your health issues. You will hear a little about my background as well.

Enjoy! I look forward to seeing and speaking with you soon.

Webinar 1: The Vertebral Core

Learn how the Vertebral Core can be strengthened and posture patterns and overall health is improved with a simple daily exercise program. Simple Anatomy of core muscles and possible effective ways to improve your health included.


Webinar 2:

Are you experiencing Complex Thumb Pain from overuse of handheld devices or improper use of keyboard and mouse? Get great advice on how to apply your own simple exercise therapy program to reduce symptoms of arthritis-like pain. Personalized consultation included.


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